Wall of words

30 Sep

A wall of words
To protect and preserve

I’m like a pig with a sty
I poke out my mind’s eye

That I keep from the general public,
As I scribble only a little above the toilet.

See, wit is my sharpie,
My demons like harpies.

Preparing for my self-immolation,
Or self-prescribed, mental-masturbation.

Merely clever plays of appellation
Courtesy a digital thesaurus
From the “Steve Job’s Apple Nation.”

Got simple languages,
Plotting complex images,

Syntax Stripping,
Mind ripping,
Rind nipping,

Poppin’ melons of rage,
Like Gallagher’s stage,

Releasing my brain juice
I’m Electric Kool-Aid induced.

Was doin’ fine ‘til the tar pipe ran out
Then I left for a year of fear and doubt.

Left for a year of fun in the sun,
Left for a year of Lil’ Stevie’s big gun.

Now, I sit, high, in the hills
While the Man wishes me there, still

Not wishing anything or anyone ill,
But always, I am, and doing as I will.

So, for self-protection,
And self-reflection

I’ll just keep writin’,
As I ain’t much for fightin’.

To protect and preserve,
I’ve got a wall of words.


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