Pushing a shopping cart through the food mart.

13 Jul

Pushing a shopping cart through the food mart.

What’s it like watching people shop?

Something drops, and rolls in front of our cart

. A mushroom on the floor, and SWooooop down to pick it up. Hands it back to the sunglassed earplugged

human, who looks at mother and says something about the mushroom.

‘yeah it’s a nice looking mushroom…’

What else can be said?

“Anyways it looks like you have a bodyguard here.”

Points to me.

I stand up real straight, shoulders back, hands behind my back, attention stance.

See him on another aisle he asks where the eggs are, he says he is not from around here I don’t know says I

Then he leads the way in exploration Finds eggs next to brews, “That makes sense, because they both ferment.”

“I’ve been traveling. Got my kids through college then sold the house and hit the road so they couldn’t move back in with me.”

I tell him I want to travel, he asks where and I say the national parks. He says, “I used to work for the Forestry Service back in the 70’s.”

I’m thinking, I have heard about the FS interactions with Rainbow Gatherings, outta ask him his experience.

Ah, I’ll wait, ‘Cas he starts to walk off down the brew aisle.

See him outside the mart, preparing to embark on his motorcycle.

"Are you still lost?" Says he. "Just tell mother that you are going on a
short trip and don't come back for a few years."

I liked that Idea, seeing as years prior attempts to leave forever ended in return.

His plates say Some state far away. A lady around his age, 50-60 walks up, says
"it's hot, I just drove down from Tacoma Washington."
 Man looks to me then to her, "Is this your mother?" Lady looks at me starts
shaking head, he throws in "girlfriend?!",
"No she insists, I don't know him." He looks to me, says "he doesn't seem to
 have too many needs..."
 The two of them chit a little about chat for uhh, aaabout twelve seconds. 

Lady bids farewell and safe travels, gets in her car and leaves.

What do you mean by needs, I ask. (forget exactly what he said now.)

He talks more about working for FS. I ask if he ever came across any Rainbow Family.
"Yeah they are just free spirits. Just travel around." Thoughts say well there are
many different types of people who join at these gatherings, silence, listening.
 "And even many of them don't agree with what some of the others are doing.
Some nice people, just free spirits..."

Hands me a card. Says state trooper on it. 

"Surprisingly, I wouldn't go after kids with spiky", he flashes his hand above
his head's hair.

"I'd pull over the kids in the bmw's, who'd try to tell me:
 'wait wait you can't give me a ticket, if you just wait until monday you can call
my 'Faaaaaather' at his office...--', I'd write them tickets."

"My son is twenty-five and he's been traveling awhile [after graduating college]--
*Grins* I wonder who he got it from....[4 second Pause]
It's never too late. Just don't carry a gun."

"Just remember to notice what's around you. Know what I mean?" 

I look across the parking lot to the cars driving by on the road. My sight
is getting hazy as it does in situations like this. The trees look alive.

No says I, what does that mean?
"Situational awareness........Knowing where your eggs are." 

My mind goes to this situation. What's going on?

He puts on his silver helmet, "just go do it, it's never too late."

I walk accross the parking lot to the sidewalk under the eves out from some shops.
He turns the same way though his motorcycle was facing the opposite direciton.
Stops at the stop sign, though it seems hardly necessary in this parking lot area.
Drives by my post on the sidewalk without seeming to look again. 

Suppose he gave his attention to me on foot.
Motorcycle he's a trooper.

Departure always brings hope.


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