owen of Legends

21 Jul

This is my poem to honor the fallen
I feel I must eulogize Dennis “owen” Collins

A few years ago owen and gang
Opened up the net with a bang

They set about an impossible task
To do it safely they all donned a mask

owens dry wit and surly growl
Scathing humor that makes people howl

Was just a covering for his tenderness
The one we all protect with gingerness

Under owen’s Guy’s mask smile
Beneath his crazy Uncle style

There lived a beautiful soul
A spirit built of 100% pure gold

He actually lived with a lot of pain
But he’d never let anyone see the strain

Through the years I hear he did some jobs
He led a couple of pitchfork wielding mobs

A keyboard soldier
Admin title holder

To the end he stood watch on his post
Caring for the server that he loved the most

Relying on his golden soul’s strength
Brother would go to the furthest lengths

To provide aid to strangers
To protect others from dangers

It is all of us that his soul defends
It is to all of us he is “owen of legends”

a special thanks to “acaryatid” for proofreading and correcting my spelling XD


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